Friday 2 November 2012

ALIPAC Endorses Dick Muri (R-WA-10) For Stances Against Illegal ...

ALIPAC Endorses Dick Muri (R-WA-10) For Stances Against Illegal Immigration

For Immediate National Release

November 1, 2012

Contact: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) 866 703-0864

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is issuing their 142nd endorsement of the 2012 Election Cycle to Dick Muri, a Republican candidate for Congress running in Washington state's 10th district, due to his strong stances against illegal immigration and Amnesty.

Dick Muri was endorsed by ALIPAC in a prior run and completed the national organization's candidate survey, which details Muri's positions on the topic of illegal immigration. Dick Muri's previous candidate survey about illegal immigration can be viewed at...
ENDORSED: WA District 9 Dick Muri (R) Challenger Congress

ALIPAC is America's most engaged political action committee endorsing federal candidates based on their alignment with the large majority of Americans who oppose Comprehensive, Dream Act, and de facto Amnesty for illegal aliens.

"Dick Muri has made it clear that he stands with American citizens who are suffering terribly from the negative impacts of massive illegal immigration into America," said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "We need more members of Congress who are willing to stand up and insist that our existing immigration and border laws are adequately enforced as our Constitution requires instead of any form of amnesty that appeases illegal immigrants and their supporters."

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC has been very active in Washington state trying to persuade legislators to end the state's nationally deplored practice of giving licenses to illegal aliens. Certified polling proves that 77% of Americans oppose licenses for illegal immigrants, and all other states have stopped the practice except for Washington and New Mexico.

ALIPAC hopes that more candidates and members of Congress will stand with the super majority of Americans who oppose illegal immigration and any form of taxpayer benefits and amnesty for illegals.

For more information or to schedule interviews please visit



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