Sunday 18 November 2012

Improving Sports Performance With Hypnosis | recreation and sports ...

Practice is essential, that's what my old Nan always used to point out. But what she did not mention, is the significance of practicing things going the way you would like them to go, instead of considering what needs to be done if it does go screwy. How many times do you ask yourself "What's the worst that could happen?!"

For athletes though, it is imperative that they focus upon achieving, on being the winner, first time, each and every time. Quite often, they only have one shot at their achievement. Being a bit off form at the critical moment is simply not an option.

So the very first thing I tell sportsmen who come to see me in Hertfordshire, for help in improving their performance is to practice success. To really visualise everything going well: scoring the perfect goal, making the longest jump or moving the swiftest. From an attraction standpoint, we know that you'll attract more of what you are concentrating on, so it is vital to focus in success. This helps to manifest the specified outcome, but more than that, when you focus upon something in your consciousness, you're also accessing all of the same neural nets as if you were really performing the act. Scientists at first thought the AI networks existed only in the brain, but we know now that they're a network all though your whole body. This imply that if as an example, you think about running, as you are laying in your bed, you'll be turning on and accessing the muscles in your legs. It is fairly likely that they may twitch unknowingly as you consider moving them. This was famously noted by Milton Erickson, the man largely responsible for bringing hypnosis to the clinical arena. When Milton was a child he was struck with polio and left paralyze As he sat in a chair, hankering to be outside playing with his siblings, imagining running in the long grass and kicking the football, he noticed that his legs had begun to swing in the chair!

NLPuses a strategies called anchoring. In this, the mind creates a link between an intense feeling and an external trigger. This may have negative and positive implications for our athletes. For instance, there could be negative anchors (triggers that make a bad feeling) associated to past mess ups which are set off whenever the sportsman is performing or due to perform. If the trigger for the bad feeling can be established, then the negative anchor can easily be collapsed. If an athlete need to tap right into resourceful emotions, for example calm, focus or power, an anchor can be created with a trigger of, squeezing their fingers for instance.

A simple way to become the best at what you do, is to find some other person who is the very finest at it, and discover how they do it. If you suspect that Thierry Henry is the best striker that the world has ever seen, it is actually possible to model the way that he thinks, feels and behaves to form the results he achieve. This is done using system elicitation which permits us to extract all of the conscious and comatose elements that create the behaviour which lead to the glorious result. When the technique has been removed, it can be installed in someone else using walk through, metaphors or hypnosis. Hypnosis provides a deep state of relaxation which can often be lengthened to maintain calm and deaden uneasiness, as well as installing positive empowering proposals, for example being able to focus and concentrate with ease.

At a deeper level of understanding,NLPcan often be used to discover a persons values and reveal and resolve any conflicts here. For example, if a person has a value of success and a value of not being defeated, then there may be some issues here. For example, nor being defeated is what we'd call an "away from" value in that the person is making an attempt to move away from something, in this case, to move away from defeat. This indicates that their focus is on defeat, making it likely that this is the thing that is attained. This is then also in conflict with success, which could mean that success is often achieved, but is not sustainable.

Of course , if sports or athletics is you life, it is not the taking part which counts, but the winning.


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