Tuesday 6 November 2012

The Shelf Life of Facebook Posts, and Other Marketing Stories of the ...

Posted on 04. Nov, 2012 by Brittany Leaning in Blog, Small Business Internet Marketing, Small Business Marketing

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You may have heard us say the phrase, ?data is a marketer?s best friend? many times before. Well, that phrase still rings true today, especially as the marketing world continues to change.

How else would you know how well your marketing campaigns were performing without data to prove their effectiveness? Similarly, how would you know what ?effective? means without benchmarks to show you the way?

Lucky for you, this week?s marketing round-up is focused heavily on data that will move you forward and help you get a leg up on the competition. So kick back, enjoy the last of your weekend, and learn a bit more about the direction the marketing industry is headed with these top marketing stories and resources of the week.

Facebook Posts Get Half Their Reach Within 30 Minutes of Being Published, From MarketingCharts

You might remember our weekly round-up post from a couple weeks ago where we reported that only 6% of fans engage with a brand?s Facebook Page. Now we?re finding that Facebook posts obtain 50% of their reach in the first 30 minutes of being posted, then drastically move downhill from there. More data from MarketingCharts reveals that an average of one-third of a post?s reach was obtained in the first 10 minutes of being posted, and the rest is obtained in the following 7 hours. It appears that this drop-off is even more drastic than email open rates.

According to MarketingCharts, ?23.6% of email opens occur within the first hour after delivery.? Of course, if this were one hour after the delivery of a Facebook post, the message would have already reached 60% of its total audience. Do these statistics surprise you? Or have you noticed a drastic decrease in your company?s Facebook reach over time? For more intriguing Facebook reach statistics, check out the full story here.

Data: Only 5 Percent of Search Advertisers Follow Mobile Best Practices, From Search Engine Land

What do you think smartphone users are looking to do after they search for a business on their mobile devices? According to Search Engine Land, 76% of users get a business? location or operating hours, 61% ?click to call? the business, and 48% access the company?s social networking page. These consumers are actively seeking out information from companies of interest ? at an incredibly high percentage, too! So as a marketer, you must ask yourself, are you taking advantage of these common mobile search actions?

According to the same study reported by Search Engine Land, a whopping 96% of users have visited a site that was not mobile-friendly, 74% say they?re more likely to revisit mobile-friendly sites, and 55% say a frustrating mobile experience hurts their opinion of the brand. Ouch! Those are some painful statistics if you?re a marketer. It just goes to show the increased importance of mobile optimization, and it?s certainly something to keep on your marketing radar. Interested in seeing more stats from this study? Check out the full story here.

40% of Consumers Enjoy Getting Marketing Emails From Their Preferred Brands, From ClickZ

How do you feel about your company?s marketing emails? Are you worried that your audience might get turned off and mark you as spam? Well according to a recent study reported by ClickZ, 40% of consumers enjoy receiving a substantial amount of marketing emails every week, as long as they?re from brands of interest. The same study reported that 35% of consumers said they were ?very interested? in receiving emails from their favorite brands, and 54% said they feel they are getting the right amount of marketing emails every week. Ah, how reassuring!

Of course you shouldn?t count your chickens before they hatch, because the data goes deeper and reports that 48% of consumers find day-to-day management of marketing emails to be very ?time consuming,? and another 43% occasionally overlook marketing emails due to excessiveness. This isn?t terribly surprising. Although consumers genuinely enjoy receiving your company?s emails, chances are you?re facing a great deal of competition. And remember, this competition not only includes emails from other brands, but also emails from friends, family members, and business contacts, too. To see more interesting email marketing stats from this study, check out the full story here.

The Somewhat Surprising State of Online Advertising [New Data], From HubSpot

Adobe recently partnered with Edelmen Berland to survey 1,250 adults over age 18 about The State of Online Advertising. One thousand survey takers were part of the general population, and 250 were marketing decision makers. When asked, ?In general, how do consumers ?feel? about online advertising,? 68% of consumers responded that online advertising feels ?annoying,? while only 47% of marketers responded with the same answer. The majority of marketers responded saying that marketing is ?all over the place,? and there was a large gap between consumers and marketers with answers such as ?eye-catching? and ?clever.?

Who do you think had a more positive sentiment about online advertising? You guessed it! Marketers. It seems like marketers are in a slight state of denial, wouldn?t you say? Additionally, 66% of consumers say that television ads are more effective than online advertising, while only 49% of marketers agreed. Of course, these statistics are based on consumers? opinions, not on tangible marketing data. When you look further into Adobe?s research, you?ll discover that the difference between consumers? and marketers? opinions is a bit surprising. In fact, it?s always good to take off your marketer hat every once in a while and remember how your target audience actually perceives the work you do. Want to see more data from Adobe?s latest research? Check out the full story here.

The Ultimate Guide to Using Surveys in Your Marketing, From HubSpot and SurveyMonkey

Surveys are becoming strong feedback mechanisms to help marketers draw insights, feedback, and new ideas from their target audience. With helpful feedback from devoted fans, you can become more effective at improving your marketing messages, and thus achieve better results. However, before jumping in and adopting this marketing tool on a whim, you should be aware of the different problems that surveys can help you solve and match them with your goals. Surveys are helpful for market research, optimization of marketing, thought leadership, and internal communication ? all of which are important for achieving success with your marketing. Now go identify a problem you want to solve and use a survey to tackle it in a smart, data-driven way! Read the full guide from HubSpot and SurveyMonkey here to get started.

5 Middle-of-the-Funnel Content Ideas for B2B Marketing Automation, From Kuno Creative

How do you determine which content should specifically be used for your middle-of-the-funnel (MOFU) marketing efforts, as opposed to top-of-the-funnel (TOFU)? When a lead has reached the MOFU stage, it?s important to pull him or her down the funnel with very specific and advanced types of content. Kuno Creative has addressed 5 different content ideas you can leverage for B2B marketing automation including case studies, videos, buyer?s guides and success kits, reviews and testimonials, and FAQs.

Have you ever used these types of content in your lead nurturing campaigns? If your lead has reached those MOFU stages, it?s clear that they?d like to receive more information about your products and services. Can you provide noteworthy examples of customers who are successfully using your products or services? How about providing detailed guides on how to achieve similar success? If you?re eager to experiment with some new MOFU-centric content,?check out the full article here.

What other interesting marketing stories did you stumble upon this week? Share them in the comments below!

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Tags: Small Business Internet Marketing

Source: http://www.frontlinemarketingsystems.com/uncategorized/the-shelf-life-of-facebook-posts-and-other-marketing-stories-of-the-week/

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