Friday 29 March 2013

Today on New Scientist: 28 March 2013

Our enduring love affair with 'flying jewels'

The Sensational Butterflies exhibition in London and a new book, Butterfly People, explore our fascination with these gorgeous insects

Storm erupts over publishing of Henrietta Lacks genome

Researchers withdraw a paper on the "HeLa" cervical cancer genome after descendants of the woman whose cells were used say it compromises their privacy

Tiny blue-bellied fish discovered in the Rio Negro

A small fish makes a big splash as Amazon researchers find an entirely new genus in their nets

Tender turtles: Their mums do care after all

Traumatised by all that footage of baby turtles being eaten by predators? You'll be delighted to learn that some turtle mums do help the hatchlings

Scuba-diving saboteurs caught trying to cut internet

A trio of cable saboteurs have allegedly been caught red-handed trying to sever internet lines into and out of Egypt

Sea hares use sticky weapon to cripple predators

Watch a sea hare knock out a lobster's sense of smell, in the first experiments revealing a defence mechanism that can inactivate senses

It is time to train atoms to do what we want

Pratibha Gai, winner of a L'Or?al-UNESCO For Women In Science award, reveals how her molecular film-making lets us control chemical reactions better

Digital shrinks find depressed faces and body language

Automatic systems that analyse gestures and facial expressions may soon be helping psychologists pick up the easily missed symptoms of depression

Vaccine promises to cull foot and mouth slaughter

A vaccine that allows vets to distinguish vaccinated cattle from those that are diseased could remove the need to preventatively slaughter animals

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