Tuesday 16 October 2012

movie night ? Orange County photographer | Tara Whitney ? Orange ...

Paula S. - Lovely, just lovely.

Resi - This photo of the family in the hedge? Just GREAT! What a lovely photo session. Thanks for sharing, as always.

Bethany Cox - Good heavens! If I had little kiddos I would be banging down your "virtual door" for portraits. this is perfection.

Gail - What a PERFECT at-home family session. Also, my love for this family? Shot up to an "11" as soon as I saw mama reading that Ramona book to her daughter. Fond childhood memories of that series....

Nora - Oh my goodness gracious there is just something amazing about every detail of these photos. Love that, even after all these years, you capture every moment of a family in downright magical ways.

Aimee - I have been following your blog for over a year now, and I choose to comment now on this shoot. Absolutely amazing. Touching, inspiring, awesome. Someday, I want to see how my family looks through your lens. Thank you for sharing your talent.

Katy - I love these!

John Waire - ...truly good schtuff Tara!

Claire Harvey - LOVE LOVE LOVE....Fully of joy and happiness. Inspiring. Thank you

valerie johnson - You "see" what others feel inside. Your a normal person with an extraordinary gift. You should be proud of this. I'm proud FOR you.

Tara Whitney - I am overwhelmed at these comments - thank you - I appreciate them so much.

Erin - My favorite session of yours thus far. love love love this. sooo beautiful - all the little details.

Laura H. - How right you are! That first black and white of the kids together? BE STILL MY HEART. How precious is that sibling image? Also: that picture of dad all by himself, a little peak of a smile from the kidlet? LOVE.

Taylor - Tara, I just love your work! I always leave your site feeling inspired and encouraged. I think it's because you don't try to capture or show perfection...you capture and show LOVE. That's who I want to be as an artist, too.

Dana Mackay - That is the most perfect family session I have seen in such a long time. LOVE every image.

Tristan - This whole session is soo gorgeous and heartfelt!

em - love! this is how life should be :)

dhana - love this to pieces...love the house...love the captures...love the love...

Dina - I love it! The birth mark on son's neck and on mom's foot...beauty is in the details!

Jennifer Chaney - I've waiting patiently for nearly 3 years for our session, Tara, and I cannot express to you how wonderful I think it is. THANK YOU!!! The last image in one of my absolute favorites. XOXOXO!!!

catherine - you're on fire taaaaarrrraaaa!!!! these images are unreal!!!! LOVE them

ajira - As always, absolutely gorgeous!

Philippa - I have never commented on your blog, even though I have been following it for years now. But these pictures are just too wonderful to not be commented on. My favorite session of yours - so beautiful!

Source: http://tarawhitney.com/justbeblogged/2012/10/movie-night/

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