Monday 6 February 2012

The Litmus Test of Relationships |

Race Matters | Alexander Book Co.Pregnancy is a wonderful litmus test of your marriage or relationship. The emotions affect both people and both of you need to be prepared. Remain in tune with your emotions and your partner?s. Keep a physical connection throughout all trimesters of your pregnancy and allow them to take part in the changes of your body. Never stop communicating with your partner, pregnant or not. Positive communication will always improve a relationship.

Discussing your feelings together will lower stress about your situation. Learn to communicate your feelings without attacking the other person. Instead of ?You make me feel?? try ?I feel this way because?? or ask questions about his behavior. Try to find the root of the problem instead of harping on occurrences. Couples who communicate well, foster more love in which to better nurture a child.

When your partner is telling you how they feel, listen. Do not formulate your response, instead begin by repeating what they said in your understanding. Then explain your reaction calmly. Your entire argument may have happened because you misunderstood what your partner was saying. Give them the chance to re-explain and begin again.


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