Saturday 4 February 2012

The Big Rocks of Health and Fitness | VIBRANCE WELLNESS ...

It?s far too easy to become overwhelmed by all the information bombarding us regarding ?the best? way to eat and exercise, what supplements we should be taking, and every other facet of health and well-being.? In fact, it can be so overwhelming that we just say ?forget it,? give up, and continue with our current habits, even if they aren?t getting us the results we?d like in terms of how we feel and look.

I? spend many hours a week reading about the latest research on nutrition, fitness and other aspects of human thriving,? as well as talking to various experts on these subjects.? There?s no question that a good bit of the advice we are getting is complicated, conflicting and contradictory.? Furthermore, implementing some of the advice would require many of us to do an extensive, expensive, and time-consuming overhaul of our entire lives.? Here?s my point:? if you have the interest, willingness, time, and resources to do that ? fabulous.? Many people do, or are moving in that direction.? Other people simply can?t, or won?t.

HOWEVER, just because you aren?t able or willing to convert to an all grass-fed meat diet, or give up animal products altogether, or stop using the microwave, or start going to CrossFit five times a week, or give up storing your food in plastic containers, or consume a diet of 100% organic food, or drink filtered water from Fiji exclusively, or give up grains, gluten, or sugar completely, etc. etc., doesn?t mean you can?t start to incorporate some foundational, fundamental changes into your lifestyle that (1) won?t even be too painful and (2) will yield some incredible results in terms of your physique, energy level, bloodwork profile, self-estemm, and overall sense of well-being.

When people ask me for advice or my opinions regarding how to improve their health, I always start by asking what their current concerns are and what they would like to be different.? Then I find out a little about their current habits and beliefs around nutrition and exercise, as well as what some of the greatest stressors are in their life (e.g. relationships, money, job satisfaction).

Next, I encourage people to start with the fundamentals, before they fret too much about the more granular aspects of optimal health.? Once they have the basics in place (such as doing some time of movement/exercise most days of the week, getting enough sleep, taking time each day just for themselves in quiet reflection, drinking enough water, minimizing sugar, processed foods and fast foods), then if they are willing to kick it up a notch, we start talking about the more esoteric aspects of health and well-being, which frankly are often more challenging, complex and quite possibly expensive to implement.

Long story short:? Don?t get frustrated and just give up because it?s all so overwhelming and sounds so stinkin? hard and unfun.? Begin with some basic, doable fundamental steps, and then if you want, build from there.? Here?s a short video from Dr. Jade Teta at Metabolic Effect, in which he uses the analogy of ?big rocks? to address the fundamentals of good health.

Tags: behavior change, fundamentals of good health, goal setting, Jade Teta, Metabolic Effect, Start where you are, weight loss


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