Monday 17 October 2011

Giuliana, Bill Rancic Continue IVF, "Not Opposed to Adoption" (omg!)

Giuliana Rancic is determined to be a mama!

After two emotional, failed attempts, the E! Host and hubby Bill are in the midst of giving in vitro fertilization yet another try.

"We're not opposed to adoption, but at this point we're going down the IVF path," Bill, 40, told Us Weekly Thursday at the Nivea New Year's Eve preview in NYC.

VIDEO: Giuliana is "nervous as hell" to go through IVF again

When the couple's second round of IVF ended in heartbreak last year and Giuliana miscarried, they vowed to take a year of from family planning to reconnect, travel and spend time enjoying things they wouldn't be able to if they were new parents.

But in the middle of their third IVF treatment, Giuliana, 37, and Bill are hopeful. "If [our doctor says] after this cycle, 'I don't think this is going to happy for you naturally. You're going to have to look at more options,' then we will," she told Us. "But if someone is telling you, 'I can get you pregnant,' then we're trying it."

VIDEO: Inside Giuliana and Bill's IVF "nightmare"

Giuliana and Bill both agree that they'd be open to adoption or surrogacy if having children naturally doesn't pan out. "If the time comes, we will visit that as a possibility and even adopt from Naples," Bill said.

"We've spoken about that and we're open to a lot of things," Giuliana, added.

So can we eventually expect Giuliana and Bill Plus 8? "I want that!" Giuliana joked. "I love kids. I want a big family. I want two boys and two girls."

VIDEO: Giuliana and Bill talk about adoption

Her hubby, however, would be happy with just two kids. "I don't want to be working until I'm 80 putting these kids through college!" he said.

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