Friday 9 September 2011

KIKI for the Coleman family ? CO - Reece's Rainbow Adoption ...

KIKI for the Coleman family ? CO

The Coleman family are from Colorado.? They have 5 children, two by birth and three through the gift of adoption.? God called them to this journey in 2005 after they could not have any more children of their own.? James was working for the Sheriffs office, and Jamie was a stay at home mom.? They had wanted to do a? domestic newborn adoption, but after starting the process they were told that because they had two birth children, it might be up to a four year wait before they would be matched. ?They were both heartbroken, and thought that maybe they wouldn?t have any more kids.? Jamie had felt in her heart that God had promised them more children, so coming to this conclusion was a hard idea to accept, but together they prayed through the decision to not move forward with the agency, and focus on the children God had given them.?


In the fall of 2007, James came home from work and asked Jamie if they could consider helping kids through their local foster care system, since they were not pursuing adoption right now.? They prayed about it, and set up a meeting with their local Department of Human Services to get more information on becoming foster parents.? During that meeting they knew God was calling them to serve.? So, they signed up? to become foster parents on that Wednesday afternoon, and on Friday they were called with a newborn, that they would pick up from the hospital .? This child was part of? God?s promise that He had give? to Jamie two years earlier, and Jacob became their son in 2009. ?While walking in service, the desires of their hearts were granted!? A beautiful baby boy!


After that adoption they continued doing foster care &? adopted a little guy with cerebral palsy.? Then privately? adopted a? little girl with a chromosome deletion.? Their love for special needs children had taken root.??? They closed their home to foster care and started a privately supporting families with newly diagnosed special needs children.?


In July of 2011, they decided to start fundraising for a little girl with the same brain malformation as their daughter (agenesis corpus colosum), and Dandy Walkers Syndrome.? Within a few weeks of doing so, they knew she needed to be apart of their forever family.? And the journey began?you prayers and support is greatly appreciated on this journey!


Let us not love with words or tongue, but in action and truth.? John 8:8?




Follow the Coleman family's adoption journey on their blog at




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