Sunday 25 September 2011

Mitt Romney: Great Debater, But Is He Trustworthy? (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | Fox News and Google hosted a GOP presidential debate in pivotal swing state Florida Thursday night. It was a full stage full of echoes, consisting of frontrunners Rick Perry and Mitt Romney, along with second-tier candidates Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul. Jon Huntsman, Rick Santorum, and Gary Johnson also participated.

The third tier seemed to provide most of the entertainment, with Santorum trying to appear committed and passionate but mostly looking angry with his Rick Perry-ish, odd-looking smile. Far enough behind in the polls that he doesn't even register in the Real Clear Politics average, Johnson did have one of the night's best lines when he commented that his neighbor's dogs had created more shovel-ready jobs than were in Obama's stimulus bill.

Along with the lines, two individuals really stood out as talented and skilled debaters. Gingrich is one of the smartest politicians alive, and he knows it. His ego will keep him from the nomination, but he will likely be a valuable adviser to the next administration. Mitt Romney is the other candidate with outstanding debating skills, and therein lies the problem.

As much as I want to, I just can't seem to like Romney. He and the other candidates successfully teamed up on Perry, a candidate who is not the strongest debater to begin with. Romney always looked poised, was generally smooth in his delivery, and ?made me feel like he was trying to sell me a used car. Wait, I'm sorry, that may have been offensive to used car salesmen.

Romney seems to be a stand up kind of guy, but I don't feel as if he really stands for anything other than Mitt Romney. As a one-term governor of Massachusetts, he rails against career politicians, but if he hadn't lost the 1994 Senate race in Massachusetts, he'd be a career politician himself. My feeling is that he is a career politician who just didn't get elected as often as he would like.

Looking deeper at his debate performances, he always has the answer ready, but it seems to be in a condescending manner, both to the voters watching and to the other candidates when they engage directly. It's as if he is very polished, very practiced, and very prepared to give the canned answer, but the answers come from a script that has been well-memorized.

While I disagree with the budget-busting universal health care plan he signed in Massachusetts, I do appreciate his willingness to not try to back away from it. Regardless of him saying it is a good plan at the state level, I can't see a difference between state governments mandating all citizens buy a product vs. the federal government with the same mandate. He doesn't seem as conservative as he would have us believe.

Contrasted with Perry's passion and willingness to state what he believes, albeit sometimes ineloquently, Romney is very good at saying what he wants to say, but I'm just not sure he believes it. He's nearly unflappable in the debate arena, seeming to never lose his cool. Unfortunately, we elected the same kind of cool, smooth-talking politician in 2008 and it hasn't gotten us anywhere. Romney appears to believe more in government than he does in the people. As a conservative independent, I just don't trust Romney when he flaunts his "conservative" credentials. As Austin Powers might say, he gives me that creepy Oompa Loompa vibe.


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Monday 19 September 2011

Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation: How it Works? ? Free Article ...

Smoking remains to be one of the hard habits to break for the modern individuals who are faced with everyday challenges and stress. Perhaps this is because smoking to some people is associated with stress relief, mood stimulant, diet suppressant or simply as a means of socialization. If a hypnotherapist is to look closely, it will be easy to spot that a high possibility is that these factors mentioned are mental, emotional and psychological in nature. Meaning people may be dependent on smoking because of emotional issues.

If these factors are to be considered, a hypnotherapist can effectively employ the method of hypnosis to work with the client in achieving smoking cessation efforts. Since smoking is an issue of dependence and a way to cope for some people, it needs to be approached not just for its physiologic outcomes, but more for its psychological implications. It is not new for hypnotherapists to hear people wanting to quit the habit, but remain trapped in it because of several failures with other quitting efforts in the past.

For people who have tried so many smoking quitting methods from cold turkey, cut down, pharmacological methods, nicotine replacement, cigarette substitute like e-cigarette, herb substitutes and smokeless tobaccos and vaporizers. This may have all failed because the approach used is to address the symptoms and the effects of smoking. Hypnosis may be a better way to advance in the objective of smoking cessation and to address the psychological aspects of the habit, which is the primary factor responsible for keeping people hooked up with smoking. Hypnosis for smoking is so far the best method in addressing the psychological aspect of this issue of dependency.

Some of the popular psychological hypnotherapist approaches include: aversion therapy using mild shock tactics, which may be rather too aggressive; acupuncture through stimulation of the pressure points, behavioral therapy and now, hypnosis for smoking. Hypnotherapy has steadily earned its popularity in smoking cessation because of the positive outcomes from clients. But, how does it really work?

Hypnosis is the method used by a hypnotherapist to work with the subconscious mind of a client, one of which is through the Spiegel?s method. In this method the client will be asked to focus on three main concepts which are: 1) cigarette contains nicotine, which is poison to the body; 2) the body needs to be alive and 3) to be able to live, a person needs to respect and protect the body against any harm. Self hypnosis can be performed by an individual constantly throughout the day by reminding themselves of the three concepts. It is the objective of this method to motivate the client to refrain from smoking.
Another method is the cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) method, this uses a multi-modal approach in working with the client achieve smoking cessation. It uses a combination of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and hypnotherapy. This theory believes that a combination therapy will be more effective in working with a complex issue as smoking. This is supported by a study conducted by Marks entitled ?CBT methods can improve the results of any treatment programme.? (2005, 16).

Hypnosis for smoking can be employed using three methods: self-hypnosis, working with a hypnotherapist or a combination of both methods. And for hypnosis for smoking to be effective the following factors need to be considered: client?s readiness for the therapy, an understanding of the cessation process including its probable effects and the mental and overall health condition of the client. It is also important to note that whatever method a client chooses, it is important to seek for professional hypnotherapist services to guide the client throughout the entire hypnosis for smoking therapy.

Cas is a Leading Qualified and Registered, Professional Counsellor and Clinical Hypnotherapist and Founder of CAS Therapy. Cas currently lives in Melbourne, Australia and has a wonderful strong passion towards living a peaceful and happy life. Cas also loves to write in her spare time.

For more information please visit us : hypnotherapist and hypnotherapy


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Sunday 18 September 2011

Report: Syracuse, Pittsburgh talking to ACC

(AP) ? Syracuse and Pittsburgh are in talks with the Atlantic Coast Conference about leaving the Big East to join the league, The New York Times reported Friday night.

The story posted on the newspaper's website cited an unidentified source with direct knowledge of the talks. Officials at Pittsburgh, Syracuse and the ACC declined comment when reached by the Times.

If Syracuse and Pittsburgh decide to leave the Big East, it could lead to another dramatic shuffle in college athletics. Texas A&M has announced its intention to join the Southeastern Conference, leaving the future of the Big 12 in doubt.

Syracuse is a founding member of the Big East, and Pittsburgh joined the league in 1982.

"We've been dealing with the fluidity of the conference landscape on multiple levels for a week," Amy Yakola, the ACC's associate commissioner for public relations and marketing, told the newspaper, "and at this point we wouldn't be able to comment on speculation."

Mike Finn, the ACC's associate commissioner for football communications, told The Associated Press late Friday night he was unaware of any such talks and didn't know anything about the Times report.

Associated Press


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Sports activities Dietary Supplements Do Bodybuilders Actually ...

If you study by way of the most recent concern of just about any muscle mass creating or fitness magazine you will probably be bombarded by far more than a hundred and fifty advertisements for a wide range of dietary supplements. According to the advertisements, each and every bodybuilder requirements to take mass quantities of nutritional supplements in order to achieve stunning muscle gains. But as you surely know, you can not trust what you study in advertisements. The question then is, ?are nutritional supplements actually required for big muscle mass gains??

This issue genuinely is dependent on how you interpret the phrase ?essential.? Dietary supplements of just about any assortment are not essential for you to grow to be greater and more robust. Large tech supplements are simply not required for the typical bodyweight lifter to experience substantial muscle mass gains, irregardless of what glitzy ads would have you think. If you spend 10 or much more hrs a week coaching and adhere to a rigorous diet large in protein and carbs and very low in saturated body fat and easy sugars you will almost definitely encounter an boost in muscle dimensions.

Now lets search at this question an additional way.

If by the word ?essential? you mean ??necessary to attain maximum size and strength? then the reply is absolutely yes. A lot of dietary supplements have been scientifically shown to supply superior muscle gains than bodybuilders who consider no nutritional supplements at all. Building muscle mass and spending several hours at the fitness center is very challenging perform and it consequently seems to make perception to spend an additional few bucks a week on dietary supplements in buy to maximize your muscle mass mass gains.

Ultimately your choice to consider nutritional supplements is dependent on whether or not or not you want to accomplish your maximum measurement and power and, if so, how considerably you are prepared to pay to attain your wanted results. Muscle mass developing health supplements can be extremely pricey and it is not uncommon for bodybuilders to invest hundreds of bucks a month on dietary dietary supplements.

The dietary supplements that are the most common amongst bodybuilders are:

one. Muscle mass Milk Protein

2. Creatine Monohydrate

3. Multivitamins

4. Amino Acids

Also, if you would like to conserve as much as 50% on dietary supplements then you need to take a seem on eBay. An eBay membership is totally free and you can effortlessly save a thousand or much more dollars a calendar year by acquiring your health supplements on eBay as opposed to your nearby vitamin keep.

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Saturday 17 September 2011

Lhoroscope Du Jour Recommande Au Verseau De Suivre Son ...

By: jesse.louis

Le jumeaux commence la journe avec enthousiasme et ambition. Lhoroscope du jour vous conseille dviter les discutions en contradictoire. Laprs-midi vous avez de succs dans la socit et vous collaborez trs bien avec les personnes plus jeunes. Ne promettez rien si vous ne savez pas sr si vous pouvez tenir votre parole !

Pour le signe zodiacal balance, lhoroscope du jour prvoit un tat nerveux le matin. On vous conseille de contrler cette nervosit car vous risquez de provoquer une dispute. Lhoroscope du jour vous encourage utiliser votre potentiel intellectuel qui atteint des cotes maximes aujourdhui !

Si vous tes verseau, vous devez savoir quil y a des chances que des vnements inattendus se produisent, qui marquent des changements favorables dans votre vie. Lhoroscope du jour vous assure que le dsir de saffirmer et lactivit intellectuelle intense vous conduisent vers le succs, dans la socit et au travail. Laprs-midi vous allez prendre une dcision importante concernant un problme sentimental. Lhoroscope du jour vous recommande de suivre votre intuition.

Pour le taureau, lhoroscope du jour prvoit le matin des changements imprvus, qui bouleversent tous vos plans. Il est possible que vous partiez dans un voyage, ce qui indispose votre partenaire de vie. Soyez calme et viter de disputer !

Le cancer peut recevoir des reproches de ne pas avoir pay les dettes temps. Lhoroscope du jour vous conseille de garder votre calme et dessayer dtablir avec clart vos priorits. Ne refusez pas laide dun proche plus g !

La vierge commence la journe bien inspire. Lhoroscope du jour vous recommande dutiliser cette inspiration aussi sur le plan personnel que dans les affaires. Les relations sentimentales peuvent tre les meilleures si vous ne faites pas des reproches injustifis la personne aime. Le soir un ami vous fait une visite pour vous demander un emprunt. Lhoroscope du jour vous recommande de laider si vous avez la possibilit.

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Examinez lhoroscope du jour maintenant pour apprendre les prvisions concernant chaque signe zodiacal !





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Friday 16 September 2011

5 Common Mistakes of a First Draft - Workflow: Writing

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    Thursday 15 September 2011

    Easy to Use Ideas For an Effective Product Launch###{Creating ...

    ##Of course you are going to need a great quality product to offer your audience, but you will need to map out a course of action to market it effectively as well. When you do this correctly, you will build your reputation for having quality products and guarantee an income.
    ##One of the most promising business strategies is to have a complete product launch. Your product is the crux of your company, and it determines how your target audience perceives you. This is why introducing your product to potential customers can be a costly affair. The costs shouldn?t matter to you if you do everything you need to do in order to launch your product because you will have the opportunity to make that money back tenfold. This article will be discussing the ins and outs of product launches and how they can be done successfully.|The launch of a new product is a major happening for a company, and can in fact be one of the most important times in a company?s history. In order to obtain the biggest amount of publicity in the least amount of time, these are great methods of rolling out new products and services. Many companies and businesses don?t really understand the importance of having the right product launch and instead work with whatever they have. They don?t realize how important this day is and can actually make or break the product. Not only will it make this giant difference in the product?s success, it can also bring in new customers to the business itself. If you plan to launch a product, not only should you think about the market that is already out there, you need to be thinking about the market that ?could be?. The following will discuss some easy steps you can take to ensure your product launch has the best chance at being a success as possible.|When you are thinking about bringing a new product to the Internet market, you know that there will be a lot of work that goes into making it successful. The main goal is to hit the market with a big impact, get some serious visibility for your product out there, or an entire group of products. You may even be relaunching a product or service and are aiming to bring it to the attention of new potential customers to increase profits and compete in a big market. However, before you get too far ahead of yourself you need to keep in mind that you will need to do plenty of planning to make sure that the launch goes smoothly. When you launch a product there are only 2 possible outcomes, either it is a massive success or it just joins the ranks of other unknown products. This article will dole out advice that can be used to ensure a successful product launch and will help you learn how to benefit the most from your upcoming launch.|If you want your product to be successful, even if you think it?s a diamond in the rough, you are going to have to put forth a significant amount of work to make it happen. When you are promoting your product, you are going to have to educate your audience on what the product is and why they need it, and that is going to be the determination of your success. You will want to hash out all of your plans for the launch in advance, so that there are no surprises, and also so that you will have a well tailored approach that will guarantee success.
    ##Once you launch a product you can not take it back, so if you get it wrong there is not much you can do about it. Because of this, you have to make sure you have everything in its place in the very beginning. This can only be done when you have done proper planning for the launch even before you complete the product. This allows you plenty of time to get everything right and make the appropriate plans.
    ##This article will look at some good methods that will help you run a smooth product launch and will make sure that you get the success you deserve from your product launch.}
    ##One of the biggest days in the life cycle of any product will be its launch day. This is why you must properly plan for it, as you want to make sure that it runs smoothly. If you skimp during the planning stages, you might end up running a poorly conceived product launch that does not lay the foundation for future success. There is no one that wants to see things fall apart on the launch day of their product. The best way to do effective planning is to make sure every little detail is in place, tried and tested before the big day. Product launches have a history of bringing about previously unrealized technical glitches, so you will want to avoid this by exhaustively testing in advance.
    ##One of the factors that differentiates the good product launches and the bad ones is the amount of preparation and the quality of the preparation. If you think it will help the process, make sure that you include other people that may be beneficial to the process and may help you achieve a solid launch. One thing that you should already know before you launch the product is who you want your target market to be. Do not think that your target market should include whoever might be a potential buyer, actually think about who you want to be your market. This is one of the thing that causes the most problems for new launches, they never figure out what market they are trying to do business with. In order to have a ?proper product launch?, it?s important that you use various promotional and advertising methods that are available online. You do not want to hamstring yourself and prevent success before you have even begun. You are going to have to spend a lot of time and effort in order to launch your product online, and you are going to have to use resources in order to get the word out.
    ##One way to do this is to branch out beyond just using affiliates and also include Pay per Click advertising on your site from day one. You can literally have thousands of laser targeted visitors hitting your website in a matter of minutes. This could also work as a long term solution for your marketing and there are many cases where this method will work out better in the long run than affiliate marketing.
    ##Up selling is a tactic that has been successfully used by many marketers overtime. If you have a product that would work well with the new one you are selling, be sure to let the customers know.
    ##You can either offer this second product along with your main product or after they have purchased it. As long as you sell both products, you will be making more money!
    ##Since the profits which are earned may turn out to be enormous, products that enjoy big product launches are critical; this should be among the biggest days for your product, do not forget this. If you do a good job with the launch, you will have laid the foundation for future success.

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    Wednesday 14 September 2011

    Reception on Capitol Hill Will Celebrate Scientific American's Cities Issue

    September issue of SA, coverCities can help solve many of humankind?s most pressing problems, a topic that is explored in-depth in Scientific American?s September single-topic issue. In fact, today?s cities are increasingly pointing the way toward solutions, rather than simply being a source of health, social and environmental problems. For instance, people living in urban areas produce more patents, leave smaller carbon footprints and tend to live longer, healthier lives. The mechanisms and policies behind these trends are sparking an increase in public discourse on the future role of cities in global growth.

    To further explore this topic, Scientific American will host a gathering of public policymakers, scientists and researchers, and private sector leaders on Thursday, September 15, 2011, in Washington, D.C. The event will feature opening remarks by SA Editor in Chief Mariette DiChristina and Edward Glaeser, director of the Taubman Center for State and Local Government, Harvard University, who contributed to SA?s Cities issue.

    For live #SACities tweets from the Rayburn House Office Building, follow @sciam_live starting at 6:30 P.M. Eastern time. Images and additional news from the event will be shared on our Web site.


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    Travel :UK family holidays become the first option for many | Travel ...

    SPONSORED ARTICLE UK family holidays sometimes suffer in comparison with foreign holidays, when the point of comparison is the weather. In spite of the perennial national angst regarding the uncertain British summer, holiday park operators like Park Resorts have reported a steady

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    UK family holidays sometimes suffer in comparison with foreign holidays, when the point of comparison is the weather. In spite of the perennial national angst regarding the uncertain British summer, holiday park operators like Park Resorts have reported a steady increase in the size of the UK family holidays market over the last few years. On a closer inspection of the relevant variables, this trend makes perfect sense.

    There is often a cost saving involved in taking UK family holidays as opposed to flying abroad, but this goes only a small way to explaining the relatively recent surge in popularity of the home grown holiday. Granted, many people choose UK family holidays for the second vacation of the year, with the primary holiday being a seaside-sunburn affair in the Med. However, there are other factors which are arguably more important in influencing the decision to take a family holiday within the U.K.

    Travel and transport issues cannot be ignored. As annoying restrictions on travel ? from mandatory blanket security procedures to the tight regulations self imposed by the budget flight industry ? make flying a frequent pain, the relative ease and flexibility of moving about the U.K. has to be a major bonus. Additionally, as caravan and mobile home holidays have become an increasingly popular option for a broad spectrum of people, it is clear that many who could easily afford to fly abroad are making a positive choice to stay in the U.K. and take to the open road. When it comes to motor homes in particular, those wishing to splash out on mobile luxury have quite a range of options, and so affordability is not always the attraction of UK family holidays.

    The self sufficiency and option for spontaneous changes of plan that are afforded by the caravan and mobile home method of holidaying must be especially attractive to families with children. Not only can the journey to the intended destination be taken at a relaxed pace with frequent pit stops, planned detours to pay visits to family and friends around the country can so easily be accommodated into the wider holiday plan.

    Football fans and telly addicts of all persuasions can of course make sure that no crucial match or episode is missed by staying within the footprint of UK television. In general, none of the comforts of home need to forgone, from the choice brand of marmalade to the right kind of beer. Many UK family holidays can also offer the chance to get active as a family with the reassurance that activities, tuition and equipment are all suitable certified to the universally high UK safety standards.


    Tags: family travel


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    Tuesday 13 September 2011

    Remind health: Calcium, Iron and Zinc eat and drink Bubu ? TCM ...

    Remind health: Calcium, Iron and Zinc eat and drink Bubu ? TCM, winter health ? Food Industry

    After a long and hot summer, the body large and eat less energy consumption, and thus lower the temperature gradually fall, it is necessary to tune up the body, build for the coming winter a good energy. It is often fast-paced life because of the neglect of the daily Diet Requirements, many people eat just like to meet in a simple, reasonable nutrition with neglect. A fast-food bottle of pure water, a cup of Hamburg Coke May have inadvertently fool our stomach, but this is often a health threat. Xiao Bian family life specially for you have identified a range of food for this autumn health information, so that both you and your family healthy and happy every day!

    Bone soup you can calcium Some parents buy bones, bone stew that kids can drink soup bone calcium. Bu it actually, even if cooked on the bone soup 4 to 5 hours in the calcium content of soup is still zero. Some people may have heard, Canada Vinegar Can increase bone calcium dissolution. However, this same time will the original deposition of lead in bone is also out with the solution, it should not promote.

    So, what foods are rich in calcium do? They are: milk and dairy products, small fish bones, shrimp shells, fish bone meal, soybean and its products, bacteria and algae (black fungus, kelp, laver) , nuts ( Peanut , Walnuts, Sesame , Hazelnut) and so on.

    Easy for some high-risk calcium groups (for example, infants under two years of age, pregnant women, nursing mothers and the elderly), if necessary, often taking a calcium supplement preparations.


    In addition, some people ?calcium deficiency? the root cause is due to a lack of vitamin D, sunshine is nature-given free of charge and no adverse reaction supplementary vitamin D in the good way. However, children under the age of two because of limited outdoor activities, it should be added when a variety of cod-liver oil is rich in vitamin D preparations. Dates can not blood red bean Early iron deficiency anemia

    no obvious symptoms or mild symptoms, easily overlooked, clinical manifestations of fatigue, dizziness, tinnitus, loss of appetite, indigestion, irritability, low concentration, skin, lips, oral mucosa, conjunctiva, palms and nails were generally pale color, nail thinning, brittle, lack luster. Anemia may appear heavier glossitis, angular stomatitis, and even mental retardation. Some children are pica addiction, decreased body resistance, manifested as vulnerable to cold and infection diseases, such as indigestion, diarrhea and pneumonia.

    Folk often think red bean, red date was blood agents, but in fact, not much iron content of red bean (containing only 7.4 milligrams per 100 grams), red dates are not high iron content (per 100g 1.2 mg), but the students are rich in vitamin date c (243 mg per 100 gram) can help iron absorption. Many iron eggs, but eggs high phosphorus, affecting iron absorption (absorption rate is only 3%), so the yolk is not blood quality goods.

    Iron-rich foods have animal blood, meat, liver, fish and so on. Animal blood can be steamed first, then cut into pieces, soup, Coptis with drink. Or the liver of animals and fish steamed, crushed, mixed in Rice flour Or porridge. Meat is minced, with Fry after eating porridge mixed in.

    More serious if the iron deficiency may be under the guidance of a doctor taking a number of iron therapy. Shellfish more than zinc Sensitivity of zinc deficiency in children

    poor taste, poor appetite, therefore, sometimes like to eat dirt, lime, cigarette butts, paper and other strange things (pica addiction), height is often higher than the same age children to short more. Zinc deficiency can make children decreased immune function, inattention, hyperactivity, poor memory.

    Shellfish (eg oysters, razor clams, clams, etc.) the most abundant zinc, followed by liver, meat, fish and egg yolk. Before shellfish can burn yourself to death with boiling water, pick out the meat, after chopping, mixing in the porridge to be cooked with the roast can be placed together in egg stew. Plant foods with nuts ( Beans , Peanut, hazelnut, etc.: content more. Should develop a non-partial eclipse, not picky eaters, do not eat snacks regularly.

    Severe zinc deficiency in children may be under the guidance of a doctor taking zinc gluconate, generally two to three weeks after the appetite will be significantly improved. The whole course of treatment takes about 2 to 3 months.

    By Download the free E-book `The Seven Secrets of a Good Diet` at

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    Monday 12 September 2011

    UK bank reform to cost up to $11 billion a year (Reuters)

    LONDON (Reuters) ? Britain's banks should shield their retail operations from riskier investment banking units and boost capital levels to protect taxpayers from future crises, according to far-reaching proposals that could cost the industry 7 billion pounds ($11 billion) a year.

    The Independent Commission on Banking (ICB) also said on Monday banks must hold core capital of at least 10 percent in their British retail banking operations and have primary loss-absorbing capital of between 17 and 20 percent.

    It estimated the annual pretax cost of its proposals for Britain's banks at between 4 billion pounds and 7 billion.

    The British government backed the proposals, saying they would help boost the economy and protect taxpayers.

    "The Chancellor (finance minister) considers it to be an impressive report and an important step toward a new banking system that supports lending to businesses and families, supports the economy and jobs, but does not cost the taxpayers billions of pounds when it goes wrong," a government spokesman said.

    However the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), a business lobby group, warned before the plan was published that the broader economy could suffer from the ICB's proposed reforms.

    "There are real concerns that ring-fencing may limit banks' ability to lend to small businesses," BCC Director General John Longworth said in a statement early on Monday.

    As foreshadowed, the ICB wants banks to put a "ring-fence" around their core retail banking operations. Consumer deposits and small business lending must be inside the cordon, but banks will have some flexibility on what else should be included.

    The ICB said "an extended implementation period would be appropriate" for the reforms, but they should be completed by 2019.

    "It's no worse than expected. They've gone for ring-fencing rather than full separation which is not good news, but it's certainly not the worst outcome," said Neil Smith, analyst at WestLB.

    Britain set up the ICB last year to examine ways to ensure taxpayers do not bear the brunt of future banking crises.

    The credit crisis resulted in Britain fully nationalizing Northern Rock and part-nationalizing Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS.L) and Lloyds (LLOY.L). The government now has stakes of 83 percent and 41 percent in RBS and Lloyds, respectively.

    Britain's "Big Four" banks -- Barclays (BARC.L) and HSBC (HSBA.L) (0005.HK) as well as Lloyds and RBS -- have fought hard against excessively tough new regulation and are expected to continue lobbying now the ICB's report is out.

    The government has the final say in deciding what to implement into law. Britain's banks form a powerful lobbying group since financial services are estimated to contribute some 10 percent to the UK economy.

    ($1 = 0.629 pound)

    (Additional reporting by Steve Slater and Sarah White; Writing by Sophie Walker; Editing by Dan Lalor and David Holmes)


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    Sunday 11 September 2011

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    Film fest marks terror attacks that stranded stars (AP)

    TORONTO ? The Sept. 11 attacks left a lot of Hollywood types stranded north of the border at the Toronto International Film Festival. This year, organizers have produced a short film to mark the 10th anniversary of the tragedy.

    The four-minute film featuring recollections from festival bosses and filmmakers will show before every screening Sunday, the 10-year anniversary of the attacks. The short film will run in place of the sponsor reels that usually precede festival screenings.

    "It really looks back on what that was like, this very strange environment of a film festival that's all about celebrating art and having fun, then to have this horrific event happen on that day," said festival co-director Cameron Bailey.

    Also marking the anniversary is the Paul McCartney documentary "The Love We Make," which chronicles the former Beatle's preparations for a memorial concert in New York City a month after the attacks. McCartney had been on a plane at New York's JFK airport waiting to fly to London when the attacks happened, and from the tarmac, he could see smoke billowing out of the World Trade Center towers.

    Premiering Friday, a day before it begins airing on Showtime, the film features footage of McCartney rehearsing such Beatles hits as "Yesterday" and "Let It Be" and interview segments in which he recalls how his parents' generation relied on music to get through the adversity of World War II.

    The festival shut down for the rest of the day after the attacks, canceling all films and other events. Stars and filmmakers in Toronto to promote their movies abandoned their interview schedules, holing up in their suites to watch the news on TV or milling about their luxury hotels to share information and commiserate with those trying to get word from loved ones in New York City.

    Organizers considered calling off the rest of the festival, which was only halfway through and scheduled to run five more days through the following weekend. But they felt it would be best to carry on, yet in a subdued manner.

    "We decided we would continue the festival, but continue in a very different kind of way," said festival director Piers Handling. "We rolled up the red carpets, canceled the parties, canceled the sponsor announcements. We took the partying out of it."

    With planes grounded for days and the U.S.-Canadian border closed off and on after the attacks, stars, filmmakers, studio executives and others at the festival had to make alternative travel plans. They rented cars and chartered buses to get home, while others who had films playing the second half of the festival never made it to Toronto.

    Canadian actress and filmmaker Sarah Polley, who lives in Toronto, was at the festival in 2001 with a short film she directed. After the attacks, she pitched in to ease the spirits of some of the people stranded in Toronto.

    "We had over all of the Americans we knew, my brother and I, to have dinner and be together and hang out and watch TV, because everyone was kind of alone in hotel rooms and freaking out," said Polley, who is at the festival again this time with "Take This Waltz," the second feature film she has directed.

    Tom Bernard, co-president of Sony Pictures Classics, immediately abandoned his festival plans and strategized how he could get home to New York City.

    "I called Hertz, rented a car with U.S. plates, bought a Toronto Maple Leafs T-shirt and a hockey stick," said Bernard, who figured he might be able to cross into the United States on an Indian reservation that straddles the border between Canada and New York state.

    It worked. The Customs agent saw his T-shirt, "asked me how the Leafs were doing and let me through," Bernard said. "You just felt like you had to get back. You've got family, all the people in the office. It was a bad time."

    Many Hollywood insiders were at a press and industry screening of Mira Nair's "Monsoon Wedding" the morning of Sept. 11. They walked out of that joyous, uplifting film into a changed world two hours after the attacks happened, hearing the scream of emergency vehicle sirens as Toronto authorities went on alert with the rest of North America.

    According to Bailey, in the festival's Sept. 11 short film, Nair recollects how "Monsoon Wedding" was one of the first to show again when organizers resumed screenings the day after the attacks.

    "The story she tells is how scary it was to walk in on Sept. 12 thinking, is anybody even going to be there?" Bailey said. "And in fact, it was packed. People just seemed to want to come together."


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    Saturday 10 September 2011

    Jury selection begins in trial of Jackson's doctor (AP)

    LOS ANGELES ? All of the approximately 160 people who reported for potential jury duty in the Michael Jackson manslaughter trial Thursday indicated they had some knowledge of the case.

    But that didn't concern the judge, who spoke to the group in the first stage of a trial that will focus on the final hours of the King of Pop's life.

    "We didn't expect you'd been living under a rock for the past several years, or that you made a pit stop from Mars," Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor said.

    The initial screening process is aimed at finding enough eligible people to serve on the case, which Pastor said would last roughly five weeks. Those who are able will then fill out a 30-page questionnaire aimed at determining their level of knowledge of the case and any strong opinions about Jackson or Murray.

    Murray has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter. Authorities contend he gave the singer a lethal dose of the anesthetic propofol in the bedroom of the singer's rented mansion in June 2009, but attorneys for the physician deny he administered anything that should have killed the pop superstar.

    The group of potential jurors was silent throughout Pastor's introductory remarks, as was Murray.

    Thursday's session was the second attempt this year to find a jury for the case.

    Getting an eligible pool of jurors took three days earlier this year, and Pastor begrudgingly dismissed them in May when he agreed to delay the trial to give Murray's attorneys more time to prepare.

    This time, the judge hopes to find 100 people to fill out the questionnaire, court spokeswoman Mary Hearn said. Prosecutors and defense attorneys will have several days to scrutinize the responses before direct questioning of potential jurors begins on Sept. 23.

    Finding people who hadn't heard about the case was a challenge last time ? only one person, who didn't speak English, expressed no knowledge of the case. Awareness of a high-profile case is not automatic grounds for disqualification from jury service, and Pastor has expressed confidence that a group can be found who will listen to the evidence impartially and also ignore widespread media coverage of the trial.

    Jackson's death on June 25, 2009, stunned the world. The singer had been in final preparations for a series of comeback concerts in London, and the focus quickly turned to Murray, his personal physician.

    The Houston-based cardiologist faces up to four years in prison and the loss of his medical license if convicted.

    The case is expected to be highly technical but not without its share of Hollywood touches. Jackson's family will attend the proceedings ? with some members taking a break to watch a planned tribute concert in October ? and prosecutors also plan to show clips of the singer shot during his final rehearsals.


    AP Special Correspondent Linda Deutsch contributed to this report.


    Anthony McCartney can be reached at


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    Friday 9 September 2011

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    KIKI for the Coleman family ? CO - Reece's Rainbow Adoption ...

    KIKI for the Coleman family ? CO

    The Coleman family are from Colorado.? They have 5 children, two by birth and three through the gift of adoption.? God called them to this journey in 2005 after they could not have any more children of their own.? James was working for the Sheriffs office, and Jamie was a stay at home mom.? They had wanted to do a? domestic newborn adoption, but after starting the process they were told that because they had two birth children, it might be up to a four year wait before they would be matched. ?They were both heartbroken, and thought that maybe they wouldn?t have any more kids.? Jamie had felt in her heart that God had promised them more children, so coming to this conclusion was a hard idea to accept, but together they prayed through the decision to not move forward with the agency, and focus on the children God had given them.?


    In the fall of 2007, James came home from work and asked Jamie if they could consider helping kids through their local foster care system, since they were not pursuing adoption right now.? They prayed about it, and set up a meeting with their local Department of Human Services to get more information on becoming foster parents.? During that meeting they knew God was calling them to serve.? So, they signed up? to become foster parents on that Wednesday afternoon, and on Friday they were called with a newborn, that they would pick up from the hospital .? This child was part of? God?s promise that He had give? to Jamie two years earlier, and Jacob became their son in 2009. ?While walking in service, the desires of their hearts were granted!? A beautiful baby boy!


    After that adoption they continued doing foster care &? adopted a little guy with cerebral palsy.? Then privately? adopted a? little girl with a chromosome deletion.? Their love for special needs children had taken root.??? They closed their home to foster care and started a privately supporting families with newly diagnosed special needs children.?


    In July of 2011, they decided to start fundraising for a little girl with the same brain malformation as their daughter (agenesis corpus colosum), and Dandy Walkers Syndrome.? Within a few weeks of doing so, they knew she needed to be apart of their forever family.? And the journey began?you prayers and support is greatly appreciated on this journey!


    Let us not love with words or tongue, but in action and truth.? John 8:8?




    Follow the Coleman family's adoption journey on their blog at




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