Saturday 31 December 2011

'Synthetic' marijuana is problem for US military

U.S. troops are increasingly using an easy-to-get herbal mix called "Spice," which mimics a marijuana high and can bring on hallucinations that last for days.

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The abuse of the drug has so alarmed military officials that they've launched an aggressive testing program that this year has led to the investigation of more than 1,100 suspected users, according to military figures.

So-called "synthetic" pot is readily available on the Internet and has become popular nationwide in recent years, but its use among troops and sailors has raised concerns among the Pentagon brass.

"You can just imagine the work that we do in a military environment," said Mark Ridley, deputy director of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, adding, "you need to be in your right mind when you do a job. That's why the Navy has always taken a zero tolerance policy toward drugs."

Two years ago, only 29 Marines and sailors were investigated for Spice. This year, the number topped 700, the investigative service said. Those found guilty of using Spice are kicked out, although the Navy does not track the overall number of dismissals.

The Air Force has punished 497 airmen so far this year, compared to last year's 380, according to figures provided by the Pentagon. The Army does not track Spice investigations but says it has medically treated 119 soldiers for the synthetic drug in total.

Military officials emphasize those caught represent a tiny fraction of all service members and note none was in a leadership position or believed high while on duty.

Spice is made up of exotic plants from Asia like Blue Lotus and Bay Bean. Their leaves are coated with chemicals that mimic the effects of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, but are five to 200 times more potent.

More than 40 states have banned some of its chemicals, prompting sellers to turn to the Internet, where it is marketed as incense or potpourri. In some states, Spice is sold at bars, smoke shops and convenience stores. The packets usually say the ingredients are not for human consumption but also tout them as "mood enhancing."

Service members preferred it because up until this year there was no way to detect it with urine tests. A test was developed after the Drug Enforcement Administration put a one-year emergency ban on five chemicals found in the drug.

Manufacturers are adapting to avoid detection, even on the new tests, and skirt new laws banning the main chemicals.

"It's a moving target," said Capt. J.A. "Cappy" Surette, spokesman for the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.

The military can calibrate its equipment to test for those five banned chemicals "but underground chemists can keep altering the properties and make up to more than 100 permutations," Surette said.

Complicating their efforts further, there are more than 200 other chemicals used in the drug. They remain legal and their effects on the mind and body remain largely unknown, Navy doctors say.

A Clemson University created many of the chemicals for research purposes in 1990s. They were never tested on humans.

Civilian deaths have been reported and emergency crews have responded to calls of "hyper-excited" people doing things like tearing off their clothes and running down the street naked.

Navy investigators compare the drug to angel dust because no two batches are the same. Some may just feel a euphoric buzz, but others have suffered delusions lasting up to a week.

While the problem has surfaced in all branches of the military, the Navy has been the most aggressive in drawing attention to the problem.

It produced a video based on cases to warn sailors of the drug's dangers and publicized busts of crew members on some of its most-storied ships, including the USS Carl Vinson, from which Osama bin Laden's was dropped into the sea.

Two of the largest busts this year involved sailors in the San Diego-based U.S. Third Fleet, which announced last month that it planned to dismiss 28 sailors assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan.

A month earlier, 64 sailors, including 49 from the Vinson, were accused of being involved in a Spice ring.

Many of the cases were discovered after one person was caught with the drug, prompting broader investigations.

Lt. Commander Donald Hurst, a fourth-year psychiatry resident at San Diego's Naval Medical Center, said the hospital is believed to have seen more cases than any other health facility in the country.

Doctors saw users experiencing bad reactions once a month, but now see them weekly. Users suffer everything from vomiting, elevated blood pressure and seizures to extreme agitation, anxiety and delusions.

Hurst said the behavior in many cases he witnessed at first seemed akin to schizophrenia. Usually within minutes, however, the person became completely lucid. Sometimes, the person goes in and out of such episodes for days.

He recalled one especially bizarre case of a sailor who came in with his sobbing wife.

"He stood their holding a sandwich in front of him with no clue as to what to do," he said. "He opened it up, looked at it, touched it. I took it and folded it over and then he took a bite out it. But then we had to tell him, 'you have to chew.'"

An hour later when Hurst went back to evaluate him, he was completely normal and worried about being in trouble.

"That's something you don't see with acute schizophrenic patients," he said. "Then we found out based on the numbers of people coming in like this, that OK there's a new drug out there."

Hurst decided to study 10 cases. Some also had smoked marijuana or drank alcohol, while others only smoked Spice.

Of the 10, nine had lost a sense of reality. Seven babbled incoherently. The symptoms for seven of them lasted four to eight days. Three are believed to now be schizophrenic. Hurst believed the drug may have triggered the symptoms in people with that genetic disposition. His findings were published in the American Journal of Psychiatry in October.

He said there are countless questions that still need answering, including the drug's effects on people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or traumatic brain injuries.

What the research has confirmed, he said, is: "These are not drugs to mess with."

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Friday 30 December 2011

Berry reviews first half of term as Albuquerque mayor

KOB Eyewitness News 4 caught up with Mayor Richard Berry who is right smack in the middle of his first term in Albuquerque.

He is talking about his staff's biggest accomplishments and one of his biggest setbacks so far.

Mayor Richard Berry said, from the very beginning, his focus has been on public safety, fiscal responsibility and taking better care of Albuquerque's most vulnerable.

He has seen major progress in public safety.

"Well we've got crime at a 20-year low in the city of Albuquerque - we've got the murder rate hopefully on a 20-year low by the end of this year...Albuquerque citizens are safer than when we started," he said.

Berry said that came at a price.

For some city employees, it was a 2.2 percent pay cut - an unpopular move, but one Berry said was necessary to avoid layoffs.

"We've had to cut $130 million out of the first two budgets alone since I've been the mayor, but we've been able to do that while still keeping our employees on the job, while still keeping services intact to the community - without raising taxes," Berry said.

This fall, voters rejected bond question 12, also known as ABQ: The Plan.

Among many things, it would have brought in total of $50 million for an ambitious multi-sports complex and for a new Paseo Del Norte and I-25 interchange.

"We ran into opposition and we ran into funded opposition and that funded opposition came from several of our unions - police, fire and AFSCME all put money towards fighting bond question 12," Berry said.

The mayor believes employee pay cuts were the reason for the opposition.

"I can only imagine it's because there was a pay cut and they want to make sure they get employees back to square - well so do we. We just think that, I think as a mayor that the best way to do that is to grow the pie in our city?bring more revenue into the city," Berry said.

The mayor said keeping the city competitive and attractive will bring in the dollars necessary to give employees raises.

He believes in it so much, he is working on getting some of the projects done one at a time.

"ABQ: The Plan is certainly not gone, we had one setback but we have so many other things that we're doing on ABQ: The Plan," Berry said.

Berry said once Albuquerque can start bringing in more business and can start attracting more major events, it will make the city stronger and better.

"ABQ the plan is just a way of saying we need to invest in our community and trying to change the discussion from should we invest in our city to how should we invest," Berry said.


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Summary Box: Stocks flat amid light trading (AP)

SHARES RISE: Stocks were barely changed Tuesday on mixed economic news and light trading. The Dow Jones industrial average fell 2.65 points to 12,291.

CONSUMERS VS REAL ESTATE: Consumer confidence surged to an eight-month high, but home prices dropped in major cities. Home prices fell in 19 of the 20 cities tracked by the Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller index. The Conference Board's Consumer Confidence Index soared near a post-recession peak.

SEARS HURTS: Sears plunged 27 percent to $33.38, the most in the S&P 500. The retailer said it would close between 100 and 120 Sears and Kmart stores following poor sales during the holidays.


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Thursday 29 December 2011

Last-minute holiday shopping gives lift in finale

The holiday shopping season turned out to be two seasons split by a big lull.

A surge in buying in the two weeks before Christmas coupled with a record-breaking Black Friday gave retailers a solid season. The doldrums between the buying binges show how shoppers have learned to wait for the discounts they know will come.

For Dec. 1-24, spending rose 4.7 percent compared with the same period last year, according to research firm ShopperTrak. In November, it rose 4.1 percent. A 4 percent increase is considered a successful season. A combined figure for the whole season won't be available until after Dec. 31.

The increase is good news for the economy, because it shows shoppers were willing and able to fund a holiday splurge. Consumer spending, including major items such as health care, accounts for 70 percent of the economy.

Still, plenty of shoppers are pinched for cash in the slow economic recovery, and were seeking the best deals. Stores have trained even shoppers who are primed to spend to look for a discount.

In the week before Christmas, last-minute shoppers gave retailers a 4.5 percent increase in revenue at stores open at least a year with the same week last year, according to the International Council of Shopping Centers-Goldman Sachs Weekly Chain Store Sales Index.

The index estimates sales at 24 major stores including Macy's Inc. and Costco Wholesale Corp. Revenue at stores open at least a year is an important measurement of a retailer's performance because it excludes the effects of stores that open or close during the year.

Total retail revenue for the week ended Saturday rose 14.8 percent compared with the year ago, ShopperTrak estimates.

Gift buyers gained steam as the season went on. The store revenue figure rose 0.9 percent last week from the week before, building on a 3.4 percent increase the week before that.

"The downs and ups were much more accentuated," said Michael P. Niemira, chief economist at the trade group. "It just shows how cautious the consumer is. Consumers are bargain hunters more today than ever before."

The post-Black Friday lull was deeper than usual this year. The two weeks after Thanksgiving weekend showed the biggest percentage sales decline since 2000. Then, during the final two weeks before Christmas, sales surged again, by the highest rate since 2005, Niemira said.

"The holiday season was good but uneven," Niemira said.

Stores are expected to benefit when shoppers come back to spend their gift cards, because people often spend more than the cards' value. In addition, gift card sales are recorded only when shoppers redeem them.

People have more money on their cards to spend. According to an ICSC-Goldman Sachs survey of shoppers conducted Sunday, 18 percent of holiday spending went toward gift cards, up from 14.6 percent last year.

ICSC said it expects holiday sales for November and December to rise in line with its forecast of 3.5 percent.

The week after Christmas, which includes six shopping days, should be strong. But it's being compared with seven days last year because the week as retailers measure it ends on Saturday.

As proof that consumers are timing their spending to when they know they'll get the best bargains, Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, was the biggest sales day, as expected, generating sales of $11.4 billion, up 6.6 percent from a year ago, according to ShopperTrak.

But based on preliminary data, Christmas Eve and Dec. 26 were the second- and third-heaviest spending days of the season, according to ShopperTrak founder Bill Martin. He had originally expected Saturday, Dec. 17, to be the second-largest. Christmas Eve wasn't even forecast to be among the top 10 days.

"Shoppers are willing to spend when they know the biggest discounts are available," said Martin.

ShopperTrak measures foot traffic in 25,000 stores in the U.S. and blends those figures with economic data along with proprietary sales figures from merchants. The data excludes sales from auto dealers, gas stations, restaurants and grocery stores.

A fuller holiday spending picture will come Jan. 5, when stores including Target Corp. and Macy's will release December sales figures.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Wednesday 28 December 2011

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Tuesday 27 December 2011

Detroit police say 3 deaths tied to dating services site (Reuters)

(Reuters) ? Three women discovered dead in Detroit over the past week, including two found burned beyond recognition early on Christmas, were linked to a website called Packages that advertises adult escort services, police said on Monday.

In two incidents over the last week, four women -- all African-Americans in their 20s -- have been found dead in the trunks of abandoned vehicles on Detroit's east side.

The latest incident occurred about 1 a.m. on Sunday, when the Detroit Fire Department responded to reports of a car fire.

After putting out the flames, firefighters discovered two dead women in the trunk of the 1997 Buick LaSabre.

Three of the four women, the police said in a statement, were linked with "prearranged adult dating services" advertised on Packages, police said.

In a statement posted on the department's Facebook page, Detroit Police Chief Ralph Godbee Jr. said "deciding to meet unknown persons via the Internet can be extremely dangerous."

The city's medical examiner has not determined how the four women died. But Godbee said that given "the way the females were found and the attempt to hide their bodies," homicide detectives were treating the cases as suspicious deaths.

(Reporting by James B. Kelleher, editing by Ian Simpson)


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McConaughey & Alves are Engaged (omg!)

McConaughey & Alves are Engaged

Matthew McConaughey brought some serious holiday cheer via his WhoSay account yesterday, announcing his engagement with longtime girlfriend, Camila Alves.

MORE: Matthew McConaughey Strips Down for Esquire

"Just asked Camila to marry me," wrote Matthew as a caption to a snapshot of the couple kissing near a Christmas tree. "Merry Christmas."

Matthew, 42, and Camila, 28, first met in 2006, they didn't confirm their relationship until the following year.

The couple already has a head start on beginning a family as they have two children together -- Levi, 3, and Vida, 1.


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Monday 26 December 2011

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What to shop for in the post-Christmas sales

Eric Thayer / Reuters

Catch a breather while you can -- the after-Christmas sales are coming.

By Herb Weisbaum

Bargain hunters will find some great discounts in the days after Christmas. It won?t be hard to find sale signs boasting markdowns of 70 percent or more. But don?t expect retailers to slash the price of everything in the store, just the things they need to get out the door., a popular website that tracks retail prices, compared last year?s after-Christmas deals to this year?s Black Friday sales and found that post-Christmas sales in 2010 were ?notably less exceptional? in terms of top offerings. In other words, while the prices will be good, they won?t always be great.

?You?ll see some of the best sales of the year on apparel,? says Dan de Grandpre, founder and CEO of Dealnews. ?Merchants want to clear out their winter merchandise to make room for the new spring items.?

The focus this year, de Grandpre says, will be on brick-and-mortar stores, not online sales. Many retailers, he says, will use their websites to drive shoppers to their stores.

?Sometimes it will be a coupon that you print and take to the store,? de Grandpre says. ?Other times it will be another discount on top of the lowest prices available at the store.?

For example, last year on Dec. 26 Gap gave an extra 50 percent off all sale items in the store until noon. Some of the items were already marked down 50 or 60 percent.

Video games also go on sale right after Christmas, even the most recent titles.

?Some of the video game prices we saw last year right after Christmas were the best prices all year, and we?re expecting that again this year,? de Grandpre says.

Is there anything you should avoid buying? You might want to wait on electronics. Dealnews says the markdowns on electronics tend to be so-so right after Christmas. Closeout prices on TVs, laptops and GPS units usually hit early in the new year.

You can also expect another round of clothing sales in January. That?s when you?ll find the biggest discounts on winter apparel.

ConsumerMan Tip: As always, it?s the final price -- not the ?percentage off? -- that matters. Take the time to use a price shopping website to find out if that sale price is really as good as it seems.


NYT: Shoppers winning 'game of chicken' at stores

Will you be shopping the after-Christmas sales?

Strong holiday spending is helping the economy end the year on a high note. Retail sales are higher than this time last year and online holiday sales have reportedly hit $32 billion. CNBC's Ron Insana discusses.


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Sunday 25 December 2011

Saturday 24 December 2011

Delaware judge halts Intel antitrust lawsuit (AP)

DOVER, Del. ? A federal judge in Delaware has canceled a February trial in New York's antitrust lawsuit against chip-maker Intel Corp.

The judge says he is halting the case while attorneys discuss a schedule for submitting papers on outstanding issues, including Intel's motion for summary judgment and New York's motion to dismiss the case.

Lawyers for the New York attorney general's office said in papers filed Thursday that they want to have the federal case in Delaware dismissed so they can pursue their claims in New York state court.

That decision followed the Delaware judge's dismissal of claims filed on behalf of individual computer purchasers and his ruling that Delaware's three-year time restriction for claims, not New York's longer statute of limitations, applies in the case.

Intel is based in Santa Clara, Calif.


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Friday 23 December 2011

beijing_news: China?s Domestic Workshops Struggle to Keep Pace

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Once a year, 'Christmas' beats 'porn' ... on Google

By Rosa Golijan


At the end of each of the last seven years, "Christmas" has won over "porn" for a brief moment. Or at least that's the impression a chart breaking down search trends on Google gives us.

The Atlantic's?Alexis Madrigal came across the chart while researching the strange world of Christmas websites. It's a simple data visualization produced by Google Trends???a clever tool which?shows how often topics have been searched on Google over time ? but it's quite amusing.

What it tells us is that searches for "Christmas" only peak higher than searches for "porn" once each year?? during the holiday season, of course. As Madrigal points out, it also suggests that, quite possibly, interest in Christmas may fall short of interest in porn this year.

But we'll have to wait till New Year's Day to see if that turns out to be true. I, for one, have hope in the holiday spirit triumphing over carnal desires?? even if only for a brief moment.

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Want more tech news, silly puns or amusing links? You'll get plenty of all three if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on?Twitter, subscribing to her?Facebook?posts, or circling her?on?Google+.


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Thursday 22 December 2011

Scientists discover how water makes chili peppers hotter

The spiciest peppers tend to struggle in areas where water is scarce, a research team studying Bolivian chili peppers have discovered.

Biting into a hot chili may leave you grabbing for a glass of water, but that same spiciness leaves the pepper parched when water runs short, new research suggests.

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Researchers have found that the spiciest peppers have the most trouble where water is scarce: They make fewer seeds and therefore leave fewer offspring, giving non-spicy chilies a distinct advantage in dry climates.

"There is a trade-off. The pungent plants aren't allowed to?use their water resource as well?as non-pungent plants," said study researcher David Haak of Indiana University. They do have the advantage in wetter climates, though: Non-spicy chilies are less able to fight off fungi.

Haak and other researchers grew wild chilies in a lab to study the effects of different environmental conditions, following up on five sampling trips they made to Bolivia from 2002 through 2009 where they studied the spiciness of chilies in different climates.

Spicy peppers

In 2008 the researchers discovered that the pungency of wild peppers ? determined by their amount of?spicy chemicals called capsaicinoids?? varies by where they are growing. The population of peppers they studied came from varying climates of southeastern Bolivia, from those with little water to areas where water is plenty. They found the spice-less peppers were more abundant in areas with little water.

There are threats toward the plants in each area: In the wet areas they have to fight off more fungi, which grow better in the moisture, while in dry areas they have to fight to keep the moisture they need to live. The capsaicinoids work in the chili as?anti-fungal compounds; they kill the fungi that normally would live on peppers and keep rats from eating the fruits.

In the wetter region in the southwest, "we noticed that there was an increase in this fungal pathogen and this increase in pungent plants in this population, and those?plants were also getting hotter," Haak told LiveScience. "Why do not-hot chilies still exist, if being hot is advantageous against this fungal pathogen?"

Holey plants

So the researchers studied wild plants in the lab, both spicy and not, and deprived them of water during their fruiting cycle (which normally happens during the drier seasons). The researchers found that when it's dry out, production of these chemicals can be costly to the plants: The pungent plants end up producing 50 percent fewer seeds if they are water-starved, while the non-hot plants were unaffected.

The researchers then looked at the plant's stomata ? the pores that let water and air in and out of the plant cells. They saw that the pungent plants had lots more of these little holes (40 percent greater density) than the non-pungent plants did. This could account for their water loss.

Like tomatoes and other relatives,?chili peppers?aren't very good at regulating how these pores open and close, so if they have more of them, they lose more water, Haak said.

The proteins involved in both spiciness and in building stomata are probably regulated by the same pathway, and genetic changes to this pathway could be the reason why?some plants are spicier?and have more stomata (and therefore don't deal with drought as well).

The study was published today (Dec. 21) in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

You can follow LiveScience staff writer Jennifer Welsh on Twitter @microbelover. Follow LiveScience for the latest in science news and discoveries on Twitter?@livescience?and on?Facebook.


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Sunday 18 December 2011

GOP hopeful Mitt Romney picks up coveted endorsement of SC Gov. Nikki Haley (Star Tribune)

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No. 2 Ohio State tops SC 74-66 behind Thomas' 30 (AP)

COLUMBIA, S.C. ? Ohio State coach Thad Matta might have a second career ahead as a comedian.

Asked about the status of injured star forward Jared Sullinger, Matta quickly said the Buckeyes sophomore wasn't hurt, just yanked from the second-ranked Buckeyes' 74-66 win over South Carolina on Saturday for shoddy defense. "He had no problems, we just sent him to the showers," Matta told the room of stunned media.

Then Matta acknowledged the joke and Sullinger's bone bruise in his left foot. Ohio State's coach was just glad he could laugh a little bit since his leading scorer wasn't more seriously hurt.

"We think he'll be fine," Matta said. "We're just happy there wasn't a break in there."

Still, Ohio State (10-1) showed it could succeed with Sullinger sidelined. Deshaun Thomas had a career-high 30 points and William Buford added 17 as Matta collected his 200th win in nine seasons with the Buckeyes.

"We had to get a little juice into us," Thomas said. "We made some mistakes on offense in the first half with turnovers and that's not us. So we just put a little fire and juice into us."

That looked as if it might be hard once Sullinger left the game. The Buckeyes were trailing 33-29 at the half and had appeared a step slower than the Gamecocks (4-6).

The Buckeyes used a 20-8 charge in the second half to take control.

Thomas got the run started with a jumper. Lenzelle Smith Jr. had a basket and a 3-pointer to put Ohio State in front for good, 41-37. Thomas added a 3-pointer and finished the surge with a short jump shot for a 49-43 lead.

The Buckeyes eventually built the lead to 11 points.

"Obviously, very happy with a road win," Matta said.

He's also happy about his place in Ohio State history. Matta, 200-58 with the Buckeyes, joined Fred Taylor (279 wins 1959-76) and Harold G. Olsen (254 from 1923-46).

Matta did not know if Sullinger would be ready for Lamar on Tuesday night. But even if Sullinger can't go, Thomas showed he's more than ready to lead Ohio State (10-1). The 6-foot-7 sophomore hit 13 of 16 shots and surpassed his previous high of 24 points set last season against North Carolina A&T.

South Carolina coach Darrin Horn said he was more worried about Buford's outside touch coming in and tailored the defense to let Thomas, a 51 percent shooter on the season, wind up with the ball more often.

"We put him in position by design to make those plays and to his credit, he made them," Horn said.

Malik Cooke led South Carolina with 21 points.

South Carolina cut things to 70-63 in the in the final minute. But Buford answered with a 3-pointer with 48.2 seconds to go to restore Ohio State's edge.

Ohio State figured to roll over a troubled Gamecocks club that had already lost to Elon and Tennessee State. Things started to change for the Buckeyes when Sullinger came up limping after getting kicked in the left foot on an early possession.

Trainers spent several minutes working on Sullinger's foot on the bench before he put his sneaker back on, talked with Matta and returned to action. But Sullinger was limping badly moments later after defending Carlton Geathers' drive with 10 minutes to go.

"We knew we had to pick it up defensively and offensively when Sullinger went out," Buford said. "We weren't playing to our basketball, playing to our level. We had great leaders and that helped us pick it up."

Ohio State was up 18-11 after William Buford hit a 3-pointer and made a breakaway basket off a South Carolina miss.

The Gamecocks, though, closed the half with a 22-11 run to lead 33-29 at the break. Malik Cooke had 10 points in the half, including a pair of baskets in the final two minutes as the Gamecocks moved in front.

South Carolina was also helped by a technical foul on Ohio State's Amir Williams, who taunted R.J. Slawson after a bucket.

The Buckeyes had hoped to build on the momentum with Sullinger back for his second straight game. He had missed two games with back spasms, including Ohio State's only loss of the season, 78-67, at Kansas last Saturday.

Earlier this week, Sullinger looked like his smooth, confident self with 12 points and 10 rebounds in 25 minutes of action in an 82-58 win at USC Upstate on Wednesday.

Results of the X-rays showed no fracture in the foot. Still, team spokesman Dan Wallenberg said it was too soon to know when Sullinger might play again. Ohio State faces Lamar on Tuesday and Miami of Ohio on Thursday before opening Big Ten Conference play against Northwestern on Dec. 28.

Matta had yet to speak with Sullinger about the injury. "They told me, `He's OK.' I said, `Fine, I'll go do this stuff" of coaching a highly-ranked basketball team.


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Saturday 17 December 2011

BP settles with maker of failed blowout preventer (AP)

NEW ORLEANS ? Cameron International, the maker of the Deepwater Horizon blowout preventer that failed to stop last year's massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, has agreed to pay $250 million to BP under a legal settlement, BP said Friday.

BP said it was "in their mutual best interests, and the agreement is not an admission of liability by either party." The companies are dropping all claims against one another, they said.

The settlement comes in advance of a federal trial over the catastrophic Gulf oil spill. The non-jury trial is slated to begin in February and determine fault in the April 20, 2010, explosion and subsequent oil spill off the Louisiana coast of more than 200 million gallons of oil.

The settlement with Cameron does not end the legal fighting over the blowout of the Macondo well, which was owned by London-based BP and two partners, MOEX and Anadarko. BP has already settled claims with those two companies and a third company, Weatherford, the maker of a part used in the well.

"Today's settlement allows BP and Cameron to put our legal issues behind us and move forward to improve safety in the drilling industry," said Bob Dudley, BP group chief executive.

"Unfortunately, other companies persist in refusing to accept responsibility for their roles in the accident and for contributing to restoration efforts," Dudley said in a swipe at Halliburton Corp. and Transocean Ltd. Halliburton supplied critical cement to seal the well and Transocean was the company drilling the well.

Probes of the Deepwater Horizon explosion by the federal government and independent scientists and engineers have found all three companies were at fault for a series of decisions and actions that led to the Macondo well blowout, the nation's largest offshore oil spill.

BP is engaged in an intense legal fight with Halliburton Corp. and Transocean. Earlier this month, BP went so far as to accuse Halliburton employees of covering up damaging evidence about a cement mixture Halliburton used in drilling the well.

BP said it would use the $250 million from Cameron to pay for the cost of cleaning up from the spill and paying individual damages claims by people, businesses and government entities hurt by the spill. BP said it has spent about $7.5 billion so far of those claims. But the British company faces billions of dollars in additional damages and fines.

Under the agreement, BP said Houston-based Cameron is no longer responsible for any additional cleanup costs related to the spill. But BP said the agreement does not cover civil, criminal and administrative fines and other penalties that might arise out of the court proceedings.

Jack Moore, the chairman and CEO Cameron, said the agreement with BP "removes uncertainty facing Cameron" as litigation intensifies over the Deepwater Horizon explosion.

"This eliminates all significant exposure to historical and future claims related to this incident," Moore said.

Moore said Cameron does not expect to have to pay much for possible court fines and penalties. "We do not consider these items to represent a significant risk to Cameron," he said.

Cameron said its insurers were expected to fund at least $170 million of the $250 million payment the company agreed to make to BP.

BP and Cameron also pledged to "improve safety in the drilling industry" and do more to improve blowout preventers.


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LEDs 'offering a brighter future'

A field trial of LED light fittings in social housing says the new technology can deliver huge energy savings, reduce costs and makes residents feel safer.

The study, carried out by the Energy Saving Trust (EST), measured the performance of more than 4,250 LED light fittings installed at 35 sites.

The EST said it carried out the trial because an increasing number of LED lights were now commercially available.

It is predicted the technology could dominate the lighting market by 2015.

"We like to test things in-situ in order to understand their real performance rather than rely on manufacturers' claims," explained James Russill, EST's technical development manager.

But, he added: "We are at one of those rare times when there is a revolution, I think it is fair to say, within the lighting sector.

"LEDs promise to be the way forward for the whole sector, to be honest. There are so many benefits: they can be smaller, brighter; it is one of those rare technologies where the trial has shown it performs better than the lighting systems it is replacing but, at the same time, using less energy."

LED appreciation

At the 35 sites in the field trial, the authors of the Lit Up report calculated that the LED fittings saved more than three million kilowatt hours (kWh) each year when compared with the previous lighting.

Continue reading the main story

What is LED lighting?

Light-emitting diodes have been around for years.

Traditionally, they have been used as indicators on electrical devices, such as standby lights on TVs. This was because LEDs were only available in red, but recent advances means that other colours are now available, and the light emitted is much brighter.

White light (used for general lighting) using LEDs can be created via a number of techniques. One example is mixing red, green and blue LEDs.

It is suggested that LEDs can last for up to 100,000 hours, compared with the 1,000 hours of traditional incandescent light-bulbs and compact fluorescent lamps' (CFLs) 15,000 hours.

The technology is also much more energy efficient, using up to 90% less energy than incandescent bulbs.

The long lifespans and low energy use make LEDs economically attractive because even though the fittings cost more, the running and maintenance bills are lower.

"The trial has shown that the installation of LED light fittings can be used to maintain or enhance light levels, and in both cases can generate energy savings," the report's authors wrote.

They added: "The increase in colour temperature typically produced by LEDs also improved the environments monitored in the field trial, a factor much appreciated by the social housing tenants.

"With the rising price of electricity, the high efficiencies of LED lighting technology will make it an even more attractive investment in the years ahead."

Mr Russill said that he thought that there would be a natural take-up for the new lighting systems.

"I am already aware of many people that have bought LEDs without any subsidy or incentive," He told BBC News.

"As with any new technology, there is a higher initial cost - these products are new to market - but people seem to be looking beyond that and seeing they last much longer.

"LEDs will take over the market in due course because I think they are such better products, but I do think introducing them into a subsidy scheme would be a real benefit to speed things up," he added.

As well as the technical benefits, Mr Russill said feedback from tenants involved in the trial highlighted social benefits too.

"Some of the comments we had was that the light was fresher, brighter and more like daylight," he said.

"Generally, the feedback was that the lighting make it a nicer place to live."

The brighter light levels also had a positive impact on people's sense of security, he observed.

"We also did fit some lighting in external area, such as balcony areas and car parks.

"People also did comment and did make the areas outside feel like a safer environment because it was better lit.

"That also applied to stairwells as well which could be perceived to be an area where shadowy figures like to hang out."


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Friday 16 December 2011

Sri Lanka unblocks 1 news website after month (AP)

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka ? Sri Lankan authorities agreed Thursday to restore access to a news website that had been blocked with four others for more than a month over alleged insults and character assassination.

The Telecommunication Regulatory Commission agreed to unblock on several conditions, including that it will not provide links to sites that are blocked or unregistered, said Saliya Pieris, counsel for the website. The site was partially available Thursday afternoon as some service providers had not yet lifted the block.

Rights groups had criticized the order blocking the sites as undemocratic. Sri Lankan laws do not restrict the press from criticizing leaders, but media can be charged for defamation.

In blocking the sites, the media ministry said they committed character assassination and insulted people including key political leaders. It also required news websites to register, bringing them in line with older media formats such as newspapers, radio and television.

As per the agreement reached in Supreme Court on Thursday, has delinked to the four blocked websites and it will delinked to the unregistered once as soon as it receives a list of them, the site's editor, Keluma Shivantha, said. He had filed a fundamental rights application in the Supreme Court against the blocking.

The news websites still blocked are,,, and

Last week, Free Media Movement ? a local media rights group ? also filed a fundamental rights application in the Supreme Court on the basis that the blockade breaches the people's right to information and freedom of expression. The case is scheduled to be heard next month.

Of the five sites, lankaenews is highly critical of the government and has been blocked previously. A number of threats and attacks have been made against it in recent years.

A columnist for the website has been missing for more than a year. The website's office was set on fire earlier this year and lankaenews blamed the government for the attack.

The U.S. Embassy in Colombo said last month it was deeply concerned. The statement called on Sri Lankan authorities and telecommunications firms "to stop activities aimed at blocking free access in Sri Lanka to all legitimate media websites, including Lanka-e-News."


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2012 SAG Awards Nominations

Nominations for the 2012 Screen Actor Guild Awards have been announced and you can see a full list of nominees right here. It is that time of year again my friends and I am not talking about the holiday season. Nope I am talking about awards season and it kicked off this morning with the 18th Annual SAG Awards nominations. There are 13 categories broken out between film and TV. FILM Best picture Bridesmaids The Artist The Descendants The Help Midnight in Paris Best Actor George Clooney – The Descendants Demian Bichir – A Better Life Leonardo DiCaprio – . Edgar Jean Dujardin – The Artist Brad Pitt – Moneyball Best Actress Michelle Williams – My Week With Marilyn Glenn Close – Albert Nobbs Viola Davis – The Help Meryl Streep – The Iron Lady Tilda Swinton – We Need to Talk About Kevin Best Supporting Actor Nick Nolte – Warrior Kenneth Branagh – My Week With Marilyn Armie Hammer – J. Edgar Jonah Hill – Moneyball Christopher Plummer – Beginners Best Supporting Actress Octavia Spencer – The Help Berenice Bejo – The Artist Jessica Chastain – The Help Melissa McCarthy – Bridesmaids Janet McTeer – Albert Nobbs TELEVISION Best [...]


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Wednesday 7 December 2011

Arrests at the US-Mexican border continue to drop

(AP) ? Arrests of illegal immigrants along the U.S. border with Mexico are at the lowest level since the Nixon administration, indicating that fewer people are attempting to cross the border to live or work in the United States. The development could change the debate on illegal immigration from securing the border to handling the people who are already here.

It's the sixth straight year apprehensions have dropped.

"Increasingly the problem is the 11 million people (in the country illegally), rather than the border itself," said Demetrios Papademetriou, president of the Migration Policy Institute, a non-partisan research organization.

In the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, Border Patrol arrested 327,577 people trying to cross the southern U.S. border. Meanwhile, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials deported a record 396,906 people over the same period. That marks the first time in decades that formal removals from the U.S. outpaced arrests at the border.

The number of arrests of people trying to sneak across the border has been steadily declining since 2006, after an all-time high of more than 1.6 million apprehensions in 2000. During those 10 years, more immigrants have become settled residents of the U.S.

According to the Pew Hispanic Center, nearly two-thirds of the country's estimated 10.2 million adult illegal immigrants have been living in the United States for at least 10 years. A decade ago, fewer than half had been in the U.S. that long.

"This is all part of a larger picture that we're not seeing very many new undocumented immigrants coming in, so the share of new undocumented immigrants is smaller," said Jeffrey Passel, senior demographer at the Pew Hispanic Center. "A lot of people are staying. They've put down roots. There clearly hasn't been a large scale departure of people who have been here a while."

But politicians are still fighting over who is best equipped to secure the border.

Attempts to pass immigration reform legislation have repeatedly failed, with Republicans saying they will not support any bill that provides a path to legalization for illegal immigrants who are here and won't consider other reforms until the border is secure.

Some Republican presidential candidates, including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, have signed a pledge to build a fence along the length of the southern border ? there is already more than 600 miles (965 kilometers) of towering steel fencing in place. Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who does not support a border fence, has proposed adding to the 1,200 National Guard troops currently stationed along the border in a support role. Perry and Gingrich have both spoken of the need for "humanity" in dealing with illegal immigrants who are already here, and were both criticized by conservative Republicans.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has said the border is more secure than ever before "and it is clear from every measure we currently have that this approach is working."

But the weak U.S. economy and tough new immigration laws in states such as Alabama and Arizona likely play as much of a role in the drop in illegal crossings as increased security efforts, said Doris Meissner, former head of the Immigration and Naturalization Service and a senior fellow at the Migration Policy Institute.

"There is no single thing we can point to," Meissner said. "I think it's perfectly legitimate to say that border security is working. But it is not legitimate to say they are entirely responsible. Obviously it's a combination of the economy and enforcement."

It is likely that border security will remain a divisive political issue, particularly in the 2012 presidential election, Papademetriou and others said.


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Associated Press


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Tuesday 6 December 2011

Russia's ruling party wary as nation votes (AP)

MOSCOW ? Russians cast their ballots with muted enthusiasm in national parliament elections Sunday, a vote that opinion polls indicate could water down the strength of the country's dominant party.

In the far eastern regions along the Pacific Coast where voting began, initial turnout appeared desultory. Four hours after polls opened in the Kamchatka region, 16.5 percent of registered voters had cast ballots.

"It's very important to come to the polling stations and vote, but many say that it's useless," said Artysh Munzuk, a university student casting his ballot in the Pacific port of Vladivostok.

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's United Russia party has signaled concern about polls showing it could receive only a bit more than half the votes. It has cracked down on an independent election monitor and warned of political instability.

Only seven parties have been allowed to field candidates for parliament this year, while the most vocal opposition groups have been denied registration and barred from campaigning. Critics say the 7 percent threshold for winning seats is prohibitively high, effectively shutting out most minority views.

Still, the independent Levada Center polling agency released a survey late last month saying United Russia could get only about 53 percent of the vote, well down from its performance in 2007 that gave it an unassailable two-thirds majority in the State Duma, the elected lower house of parliament.

Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev made final appeals for the party Friday, the last day of campaigning, warning that a parliament made up of diverse political camps would be incapable of making decisions.

The view underlines Russian authorities' continuing discomfort with political pluralism and preference for top-down operation. As president in 2000-2008, Putin's autocratic leadership style won wide support among Russians exhausted by a decade of post-Soviet uncertainty.

But United Russia has become increasingly disliked, seen as stifling opposition, representing a corrupt bureaucracy and often called "the party of crooks and thieves." Putin needs the party to do well in the parliamentary election to pave the way for his return to the presidency in a vote now three months away.

With so much at stake, there are doubts about how honestly the election will be conducted. An interim report from an elections-monitoring mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe noted that "most parties have expressed a lack of trust in the fairness of the electoral process."

The websites of Ekho Moskvy, a prominent, independent-minded radio station, and Golos, the country's only independent election-monitoring group, were down on Sunday. Both claimed the failures were due to denial-of-service hacker attacks.

"The attack on the site on election day is obviously connected to attempts to interfere with publication of information about violations," Ekho Moskvy editor Alexey Venediktov said in a Twitter post.

Golos has come under strong pressure in the week leading up to the vote.

Golos' leader, Lilya Shibanova, was held at a Moscow airport for 12 hours upon her Friday return from Poland after refusing to give her laptop computer to security officers, said Golos' deputy director Grigory Melkonyants. On Friday, the group was fined the equivalent of $1,000 by a Moscow court for violating a law that prohibits publication of election opinion research for five days before a vote.

Putin last Sunday accused Western governments of trying to influence the election. Golos is funded by grants from the United States and Europe.

The group has compiled some 5,300 complaints of election-law violations ahead of the vote. Most are linked to United Russia. Roughly a third of the complainants ? mostly government employees and students ? say employers and professors are pressuring them to vote for the party.


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Nexen, CNOOC enter into joint venture in Gulf of Mexico

EBR Staff Writer Published 01 December 2011

Canada-based energy company Nexen has entered into a joint venture (JV) with oil and gas firm CNOOC in the Gulf of Mexico.

The move will give CNOOC a working interest in up to six deepwater exploration wells, including the Kakuna and the Angel Fire wells. in the Gulf.

CNOOC will participate in Kakuna, Angel Fire and Cypress with a 20% working interest and may also participate in three additional exploration wells with a 10% to 25% interest.

Nexen said that the JV does not include any interest in its Appomattox discovery or related Norphlet formation prospects.

Nexen president and CEO Marvin Romanow said the company's strategy in the Gulf of Mexico is to mature prospects at a high working interest, and then utilize joint venture deals to reduce its interest to the target level of 25%-30%, while recognizing the potential of its exploration portfolio.

Drilling on the Kakuna well on Green Canyon block 504 is in progress, while drilling on the Angel Fire well on Green Canyon block 327 is expected to begin in 2012.


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